
Name: Mesmir
Pronouns: They/Them
Blood Colour: Rust
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk: g = q, q = p, b = d, and p = g
Sign: Arsci
Classpect: Maid of Life
Luner Sway: Prospit
Ability: Mediumship

Mes is shy and normally keeps their head down. They are good friends with many trolls of different hierarchy's with their closes friends being

Modus: Desk. Items are simply on a giant desk. You really need to clean your desk as it is full of various items and rubbish however you are a procrastinator and simply do not care.

Specibus: Penkind. Whatever crude ad unusual thing you draw will come to life

Specibus: Penkind. Whatever crude ad unusual thing you draw will come to life

Name: "Tay"
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Colour: Bronze
Age: 7.39
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Tauries
Classpect: Muse of Time
Luner Sway: Derse
Ability: Animal Communication

Character Info

Modus: Homemade. Your HOMEMADE MODUS let's you be assured your items are fully taken care of in your home crocheted and knitted Modus cards

Specibus: Needlekind. With your trusty NEEDLEKIND no one will dare attack you despite it basically being a shitty homemade whip

a shitty homemade whip

Name: Johana
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Colour: Gold
Age: 7.39
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Gemries
Classpect: Maid of Time
Luner Sway: Derse
Ability: Psionics

Character Info

Name: Vrieza
Pronouns: He/Him + Any
Blood Colour: Gold
Age: 7.39
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Gemus
Classpect: Slyph of Breath
Luner Sway: Prospit
Ability: Psionics

Character Info

Modus: Backpack. You keep a lot of things in your trusty satchel despite their seemingly useless nature

Specibus: Sporkkind. It's a spoon and a fork. You marvel at how society has advanced

Specibus: Sporkkind

Name: Emviza
Pronouns: She/They/Bun
Sexuality: Homoflexible (sapphic)
Blood Colour: Lime
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk: b = 6 and g = 9
Sign: Canza
Classpect: Witch of Mind
Luner Sway: Prospit
Abilities: Empathic

Biggest lover of science but particularly ectobiology (that's how grimze got their lizards), lives in the troll version of Russia just because, passes off her blood as just weird olive.
Matespirtes with Grimze

Modus: Trivial Pursuit.

Specibus: Gunbladekind.

Name: Aurora
Pronouns: She/They
Blood Colour: Olive
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Lenius
Classpect: Heir of Hope
Luner Sway: Prospit

Character Info

Name: Kieler
Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Colour: Jade
Age: 8.31
Typing Quirk: Th = Z
Sign: Virmini
Classpect: Mage of Doom
Luner Sway: Derse
Ability: Rainbow Drinker

Character Info

Modus: Keychain. Where you captchalouged items froms trinkets on a keyring. They jingle and jangle so much it's hard to sneak around but the noise is fun so you don't mind

Specibus: Mimickind. You don't have time for weapons especially when others have such cool ones

Specibus: Mimickind. You don't have time for kijhbbbbb

Name: Scylla
Pronouns: No Pronouns
Sexuality: Lesbian
Blood Colour: Jade
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Virza
Classpect: Witch of Mind
Luner Sway: Derse
Ability: Rainbow Drinker

Hard of Hearing

Modus: Dice. With a roll of the dice only luck decides what comes out of you sylldex

Modus: Dice. With a roll of the dice only luck decides what comes kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Specibus: Designkind. It is similar to penkind specibus however it only creates abstract and visually appealing designs any corporation would be lucky to have

Name: Robert
Pronouns: He/She/They
Blood Colour: Jade
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Virpia
Classpect: Seer of Light
Luner Sway: Derse

Character Info

Modus: Linux. It's way too complicated for an operating system unless you are a gigantic nerd

Modus: Linux. It's wa

Specibus: Hackerkind. You love this specibus as it lets you fight with your fucking nerd powers

Name: Grimze
Pronouns: He/They
Blood Colour: Teal
Age: 8.31
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Liga
Classpect: Thief of Space
Luner Sway: Derse

Character Info
Matesprites with Emviza

Modus: Messanger Bag. Which stores your captchalouged cards in a superior horizontal format

Modus: Messanger Bag. Which stores

Specibus: Lizardkind. your Lizardkind has your trusty lizard pals attack your foes. Most of the lizards are clones of one lizard but they're different to you dammit!

Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Colour: Cerulean
Age: 9.23
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Scorpia
Luner Sway: Derse

Character Info

Pronouns: Any + It/Xem
Blood Colour: Cerulean
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk: !! or ?? at the end of sentences
Sign: Scorsci
Classpect: Sylph of Life
Luner Sway: Prospit

Character Info

Name: "Josh"
Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Colour: Indigo
Age: 7.85
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Sagiza
Classpect: Muse of Mind
Luner Sway: Derse

Character Info

Name: Tastey
Pronouns: He/They
Blood Colour: Violet
Age: 11.54
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Aquius
Classpect: Sylph of Breath
Luner Sway: Prospit

Character info

Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Colour: Purple
Age: 12
Typing Quirk:
Sign: Capriga
Classpect: Muse of Space
Luner Sway: Prospit

Mittaa is the heir to the throne. He plans to change how violent Alternia as a whole

Mittaa is a massive prankster

Name: Mittaa
Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Colour: Fuchsia
Age: 8.77
Typing Quirk: /\ instead of spaces
Sign: Pimino
Classpect: Heir of Doom
Luner Sway: Prospit

Prankster. If you hear a distant chuckle there's a high chance something like this will happen. Also likes to avoid conflicts. Is overall trying to remove the caste system in a way. Make the world a lot more accepting for everyone.

Modus: Servant. A trusty servant brings out captchalouged items. You hate using this modus because putting others beneath you is wack, however it is a gift from your lusus and it's rude to not use a gift

Specibus: Debatekind. You don't wish to harm other creatures you simply destroy them with your facts and logic

Specibus: Debatekind.creatukkkkkkkkkkk

Blood Colour's!


Rust blood AKA Burgundy bloodAlternian social role: slaves; underclass.Burgundy/Rust blood is the lowest caste of all.Trolls with burgundy blood are treated as an entirely disposable underclass by all other troll castes. They have the shortest natural lifespans, and are guaranteed to die if Gl'bgolyb glubs.Psychic abilities:telekinesis
dead spirit communion
Many trolls with burgundy blood can very easily use telekinesis to move moderately large objects. Although not as individually powerful as a psychic yellow-blood, many burgundy-bloods working together can move entire planets, even from outside the universe. This does not appear to carry a risk of injury.

Rustbloods – “Adventure motivates Rust Signs more than anything else.”Here we can see that Rustbloods generally don’t wear any colors besides black, grey, and rust. They also tend to be very covered up.It also doesn’t look like they have very defined teeth compared to other castes? Only one of them has visible teeth and it’s nubs. Do with that what you will.This is a caste that is typically given menial labor, hence the taste for adventure. Rustbloods typically have powerful psychic and telekinetic abilities (usually having to do with the dead), but are as a result extraordinarily psychically susceptible and will be the first to die during the Vast Glub.


Bronze blood AKA Brown and Umber bloodAlternian social role: slaves; underclass; soldiers.Bronze blood is the second-lowest caste.Nearly at the bottom of the hierarchy, and killed with impunity, bronze-blood trolls who survive to adulthood are used in the Cavalreapers, and otherwise are figures of ridicule in Troll media.Psychic abilities: animal communion.Many trolls with bronze blood have the power to communicate with animals, and control them. This was used to powerful effect by the Summoner, who commanded an “army of beasts”.The Summoner additionally had wings with which he could fly, much like a god tier troll, but this was apparently unique to him.

Bronzebloods – “Bronze Signs have a warm and generous disposition, but you might not accuse them of it the first time you meet.”As with rustbloods, bronzebloods are covered up and don’t wear much else besides black, grey, and bronze, though they have also added white as a minor accent color.Bronzebloods also have psychic abilities and a susceptibility to them. They also apparently claw for stability and safety, and often prefer the company of animals due to their unconditional love.
bronzebloods are more likely to have horns that directly resemble animal horns/antlers


Gold blood AKA Yellow and Ochre bloodAlternian social role: slaves; underclass.A large proportion of trolls have yellow blood. Higher trolls, particularly Bluebloods, can abuse and kill them with impunity.A few yellow-bloods have extremely powerful psychic powers. These trolls are generally forced to use them for the Condesce, in such roles as propelling warships. Trolls in this role, such as the Ψiioniic, are biologically grafted to the equipment.Psychic abilities:eye beams
sending bees to sleep
destroying Exile computers
Psychic yellow-bloods appear to have a variety of powers. These include shooting red and blue beams out of their eyes, and psychically propelling large objects such as ships and asteroids. Extreme use of the latter power results in death.
Consuming “mind honey” results in a destructive release of power.

Goldbloods – “Gold Signs are the reigning geniuses of the sign class spectrum, and chances are they know it.”Sollux is not alone in his oddly-colored vision! Many goldbloods seem to have bi-colored vision and a color scheme to match. They use the accent colors (which are often eyesearingly bright) as liberally as they would a blood color. Furthermore, ALL goldbloods have four horns instead of the two we see on the rest of the spectrum.Goldbloods can be MASSIVELY telekinetically gifted, though it is implied that they are liable to lose such abilities if one or both of their eyes are damaged. If a goldblood is too impressive, the Condesce is liable to poach them to power spaceships. They’re also, based on the extended zodiac, all a bunch of smartasses, which could get your fantroll in trouble.
A thing I’ve noticed about Goldbloods is that they also have a strong tendency for an overbite or underbite that allows their teeth to poke out from their mouth (there are exceptions such as Azdaja).
Azdaja is also an exception to the four horn rule, having only three. Goldbloods still have a STRONG tendency towards having four horns, but they can deviate. It’s still strongly advised that you should give them more than the traditional two.


Lime BloodAlternian social role: victims of genocide.No trolls with lime blood appear in the narrative. According to Calliope, all trolls with lime blood were killed, as their psychic powers were strong enough to threaten the Alternian social order.We don’t know when the Condesce and other Imperial authorities ordered this genocide. An illustration of the Grand Highblood shows splashes of lime blood; this is the only appearance of lime blood in the story.Psychic abilities: unknown but very powerful.

Limebloods – “Lime Signs are tumultuous, bringing great emotion and creativity to their endeavors.”Now that the fan theory about Karkat being a mutated limeblood is officially confirmed by the extended zodiac I feel comfortable situating him here all by his lonesome. Limebloods have apparently been hunted to extinction in Alternia and Karkat has suffered a rare mutation that has made his blood “candy red.” We can ascertain from Homestuck’s text that it is not uncommon for a troll to hide their blood color, but is seen as immaturely rebellious (much like a teenage human wearing all black). It is highly unlikely that a limeblood would survive culling in the caverns (especially if the fan theory that they’re used to make sopor slime is true), but if you can find a way to justify their survival then you would expect them to be hemoanonymous in public.Further fan theory postulates that limebloods have immense soothing abilities (once again harkening back to sopor), so if you create a limeblood their abilities would most likely have a neutralizing effect of sorts. In terms of temperament, I mean…Karkat may have soothing psychic abilities but he’s also a shouty loudmouth so make of that what you will.As CD pointed out, limebloods are also supposedly the closest to humans with nubby little horns and teeth.


Olive bloodAlternian social role: middle class.Olive-bloods are described as “middle class”, and may join the ranks of the Threshecutioner army, along with other castes.The olive-bloods we know in the story are likely quite atypical. The Disciple was a revolutionary and follower of the Signless; Nepeta lives in a cave rather than an ordinary hive and hunts wild animals for food.Psychic abilities: none known.

Olivebloods – “Olive Signs are, by and large, incredibly agreeable people.”Here we can immediately see that olivebloods are more likely to have animal-like characteristics than others. We also see a little more headgear, and more texture in some of the horns, akin to fluffy ears. Nepeta is the exception to the rule in wearing bright indigo to signify her moirallegiance with Equius, and most of the other trolls continue the trend of wearing their blood color with shades of black and grey (save a set of white bandages).Also it looks like all the ones whose mouths we can see have visible and often animal-like teeth.While olivebloods have long been theorized to have no psychic abilities or superior strength, the recent information in the extended zodiac indicates that they may have a passive psychic ability in the form of “luck.” It shouldn’t be anything as egregious as, for example, Vriska’s abilities as a Thief of Light, but you wouldn’t be amiss in making your oliveblood lucky in love, good with lottery tickets, or prone to avoiding accidents.


Jade bloodAlternian social role: keepers of mother grubs.
Jadebloods have an extremely specific role: they tend to the Mother Grubs from whose eggs all trolls are hatched.
This takes place in “brooding caverns”, which jadebloods are forbidden to leave in the normal course of their duties.Psychic abilities:sunlight resistance
Rainbow Drinking
Jadebloods appear to be the only trolls who are not harmed by the Alternian sun, and can therefore be aboveground in daylight.
They can undergo a transformation to become a “Rainbow Drinker”, essentially a troll vampire. Rainbow drinkers crave the blood of other trolls, but can recover from injuries and glow brightly, the last of which they can learn to control.

Jadebloods – “Jade Signs are the zodiac’s caretakers.”Every single one of these jadebloods have a hook to at least one of their horns and defined lips with two fangs. All of them look like they could plausibly some genre of vampire. All of them, in my personal opinion, pick an aesthetic and hit it HARD. This is also the first time we start to see colors beyond that of their blood color, from the purple-red overskirt to the purple glasses to the red insignia on Lanque’s jacket. This is also the first case we see of trolls wearing white as a primary color and trolls coloring their hair. In general, jadebloods are the transition point between lower and upper caste aesthetics.Jade bloods are RARE. I know there are a lot of them here but this is Homestuck canon and we need to consider the very real possibility that this is all of them. Their social role is effectively to be trollkind’s parents, whether they like it or not. Not all jadebloods are rainbowdrinkers, but all rainbowdrinkers are jadebloods. It is not entirely clear if a jadeblood has to die to become a rainbowdrinker, but we can surmise that Kanaya’s death kickstarted her own transformation.* Rainbowdrinkers can glow in the dark and toggle their glow on and off (which Kanaya does not discover until later).It could also be read that rainbowdrinkers experiencing the taste of blood or having a brush with blood could awaken their abilities- Kanaya is revived from the dead as a rainbowdrinker after being kissed by Karkat. It’s unclear whether the death itself or the blood association is what awoke her abilities, but it’s unlikely a kiss in isolation would’ve had any impact because of the absence of her dream self. The idea that death may be the catalyst for rainbowdrinkers is somewhat bolstered by the parallels between rainbowdrinkers and other Alternian undead.I don’t know why this is. It could be that trolls of a lower blood color just don’t…get glasses?Jade is also the first caste level at which we see PATTERNS ON CLOTHING. Lanque here is sporting a striped tie, so it’s possible for trolls of this caste and up to wear patterned clothes, though it is very rare. Only 7 trolls wear patterned clothing, and 4 of them are purple+, so use patterned clothing sparingly below that threshold.


Teal BloodsAlternian social role: civil servants.Tealbloods are beneath nobility, but still relatively high-ranking.Among the civil cervant positions they take is the role of a “legislacerator”, a combination lawyer and bounty hunter who captures and prosecutes threats to the Alternian hierarchy in an extremely capricious courtroom.Psychic powers: none known.Dragon lusii can communicate telepathically with their trolls. A troll with a hatched dragon lusus, such as Neophyte Redglare, is a force to be reckoned with.

Tealbloods – “Teal Signs are natural charmers.”All of these tealbloods look like some variety of undergrad tbh, so maybe that’s what you need to use when you design. You’ve got Budget Goth, Bathrobe, Too Formal, Katana, Vodka in a Mug, and This Is My First Job Fair. All have fairly modest horns without too many flourishes. We once again see people wearing colors besides their blood color, most notably Stelsa in the pinkest bathrobe I’ve even seen.Tealbloods don’t have powers or even massive strength. They’re just SHARP and ON IT. Your tealbloods should have a way with words in some manner or another. Tealbloods all seem to go into some type of civil service in adulthood, so whether or not they have a keen interest in justice it makes sense for your tealblood to have a touchpoint that they consider a moral system.


Cobalt blood AKA Cerulean blood and Blue bloodAlternian social role: lesser aristocracy.Trolls with cerulean blood form the lower tier of “bluebloods”.It’s not known what role they had in the Condesce’s armies. The only known adult with cerulean blood was a pirate, but this was unusual, and eventually invited reprisal by the Empire.Psychic powers:mind control
vision eightfold
Some cerulean-bloods have extremely powerful mind control. They can control most trolls lower on the hemospectrum, from seemingly any distance - even outside the universe. This power has a limited effect on humans, who can only be put to sleep.
Aranea/Mindfang can use this on many trolls at once.At least two cerulean-blooded trolls have ‘vision eightfold’, a seven-pupil eye that can see through opaque materials.

Bluebloods – “Let’s not mince words: Blue Signs are the ones to watch.”We see a fair amount of design variation here, but it seems that it is VERY COMMON for bluebloods to have some kind of eye mutation. We can also see a lot of jackets, and fewer items of clothing that are not blue, which may be an indication that bluebloods wear their color proudly. Undercuts appear to be popular only within this caste (though there’s no accounting for selection bias).Bluebloods tend to be strong and also MAY suffer a mutation that allows them psychic powers relating to the mind, which makes them extraordinarily dangerous because they also get the blueblood psychic resistance.


Indigo blood AKA Blue bloodAlternian social role: aristocracy.Trolls with indigo blood form the higher tier of “bluebloods”.They appear to have a military role in the “ruffiannhilators” and “archeradicators”. Darkleer, an archeradicator, also appears to have worked as an executioner.Psychic powers: none known.The known indigo-bloods have a great skill with robotics.All three are extremely strong, but Hussie has declared that this strength is not common to all of the indigo caste.

Indigobloods – “Indigo Signs are the enthusiasts of the sign classes.”As with bluebloods, we see little divergence from blood color here (with the glaring exception of the murderous painter). Most indigobloods seem to pick a passion and rock the associated “uniform.”Indigobloods tend to be strong (though Equius’s particular strength is implied to be exception even for his caste), and are often thought to be “snooty.”


Purple bloodAlternian social role: Aristocracy, enforcers.The “Highbloods” sit at the top of the hierarchy of land trolls. They enforce the Condesce’s rule as “subjugglators”.Alternian Highbloods follow an Insane Clown Posse-themed religion engineered by the servants of Lord English.The Grand Highblood appears to be second only to the Condesce. Failure to amuse him in an audience is grounds for execution.Psychic abilities:placing objects in dreams
mind control (with eye contact)
telepathic communication
The powers of this caste are kept quite vague, and the two trolls we know use different powers. They may have other powers.

Purplebloods – “Purple Signs are the workaholics of the sign classes.”Okay so Andrew Hussie once stated (then retconned) that all purplebloods are a part of Gamzee’s juggalo religion, and for a long time I elected to ignore that but there is not a single fucking canon design we’ve gotten that isn’t completely fucking babytown clownshoes over here. Even my buddy to right with the plain black shirt and gray shorts is some type of absolutely fucking nuts. All purplebloods use facepaint at the VERY least, and apparently even that can extend to the horns, which can apparently be FUCKING huge? Go wild on these designs. I am BEGGING you to go wild on these designs or else I will have to go wild on the REdesigns.They would appear to be a toothy bunch.Purplebloods are apparently violent, unpredictable, and always tirelessly working towards their mysterious and often morbid goals. Most have access to “chucklevoodoos” which allow significant hypnotic and psychic ability.


Violet bloodAlternian social role: sea trolls; aristocracy; piratesAlternian society is divided between “sea” and “land” trolls. Apart from the Condesce and her heiresses, all sea trolls have violet blood. They outrank all land trolls.Mutual hostility and distrust between sea and land trolls prevents either faction rising to threaten the Condesce’s rule.Piracy seems to be a common profession for sea trolls.Psychic abilities: none known.

Violetbloods – “Violet Signs are the universe’s eccentrics.”Eridan was almost this caste’s sole representative until I remembered Nektan, which is great because violetbloods don’t deserve to only be thought of as Eridan. Since there’s only two of them it looks like violetbloods might just be FancyBoys of some type.Violetloods are aristocracy and can do whatever the hell they want tbh. They don’t have much by way of psychic abilities and we don’t know if they have super strength, but one might argue that their social positioning is power enough.


Fuchsia bloodAlternian social role: royalty - the Empress and her heiressesThis class includes the Condesce, ruler of the Alternian Empire. If they survive to adulthood, other fuchsia-blooded trolls are forced by Gl'bgolyb to challenge her for the position.So far, all challengers have been killed by the Condesce.Psychic abilities:communing with Gl'bgolyb
gaining other castes’ powers
Alternian fuchsia-blooded trolls all have the same lusus: a vast monster called Gl'bgolyb, placed by Doc Scratch.
They must prevent Gl'bgolylb emitting psychic emanations that would otherwise kill some or all trolls from burgundy up.Gl'bgolyb is the Condesce’s ultimate weapon against uprisings.

Fuchsiabloods – “Fuchsia Signs are the final of the sign classes, fittingly, also the most enigmatic.”We’ve got here just two teen heiresses, which tracks given fuchsiabloods’ lifespans and the low likelihood of needing a new empress. Both of them dress pretty differently, but tbh as empress-to-be it’s unlikely they’re hindered by fashion rules at all. Both of them wear significant gold jewelry and their signature tiara.There are only ever two fuschiabloods alive at a time; the Condesce and her heiress. Bearing in mind that the Condesce is millennia old, unless your troll exists in an AU they are likely one of the many of Feferi’s predecessors who were killed by an adult Meenah Peixes. It is HEAVILY implied that this is a female-exclusive class, so if you have a male fuschiablood it’s best to have a compelling reason. Both wield a 2x3dent, and Gl’bgolyb’s allegiance typically rests with the empress unless the connection is sufficiently jeopardized (in which case, given the absence of a sufficiently powerful “owner,” she may unleash the Vast Glub).


Maid Of Life!

Maid- Heals, creates, (re)generates of/with {aspect}Life- Life is preservation. It's the force that separates the organic from the inorganic, and, at a more abstract level, the raw ability to act, to influence reality. It is the Heroes of Life that understand and sustain this force in themselves and others, often manifesting their Aspect as healing powers.Creation classOpposite of the Bard of DoomActive--------------------------------------------------
wrong classpect was here. I grabbed the wrong link for this classpect info. Sorry

Muse of Time!

Muse- Embodies {aspect} through domination; dominates with/through {aspect}Time- This makes it so Time is full of latent energy just waiting to go and be expressed in a variety of pursuits. Time dances to it’s own unique detailed rhythm, but because of its focus on the end result and not the journey, they may not notice themselves repeating certain patterns, doing the same thing over and over again and not realizing why they end up at the same place again and again, like a jumpy leg constantly bouncing with energy. Time always marches onward towards the end, and all things must end, so that energy can also come out as a destructive in nature force, like how a spinning top turns into a drill to pierce the heavens and make the impossible reality. Luckily as they are problem solvers and nontraditional in nature as they dance to their unique rhythms, no end result is out of their grasp if they wish to make it reality.Embodiment classOpposite of the Lord of SpacePassive--------------------------------------------------
Embody Time by being patient and driven, as well as representing all that Time represents and is represented by
guide Time and through Time, possibly being able to influence others’ actions over a timeline, effectively being able to have control over it through their expertise in Time.
Become Time by virtue of their Heir abilities, possibly “becoming” the timeline, or, as a different alternative, become hourglass sand in order to evade attacks or protect themselves.Unravel Time through their Bard abilities, passively destroying patience, repetition, and endings.Reallocate Time through their Rogue abilities, being able to take Time away from where there is too much, and redistribute it accordingly.Equip others with Time through their Page abilities, being able to give as much Time as they can to others.Heal Time and through Time with their Sylph abilities, being able to mend paradoxes in the timeline, as well as using Time to heal.See Time and see through Time with their Seer abilities, possibly being able to see into the future, as well as provide themselves and others with the information they receive.One unique way they could apply their abilities is through becoming a sort of inspirational figure, inspiring others to make music, be patient, or to take on other traits of Time

Maid of Time!

Maid- Heals, creates, (re)generates of/with {aspect}Time- This makes it so Time is full of latent energy just waiting to go and be expressed in a variety of pursuits. Time dances to it’s own unique detailed rhythm, but because of its focus on the end result and not the journey, they may not notice themselves repeating certain patterns, doing the same thing over and over again and not realizing why they end up at the same place again and again, like a jumpy leg constantly bouncing with energy. Time always marches onward towards the end, and all things must end, so that energy can also come out as a destructive in nature force, like how a spinning top turns into a drill to pierce the heavens and make the impossible reality. Luckily as they are problem solvers and nontraditional in nature as they dance to their unique rhythms, no end result is out of their grasp if they wish to make it reality.Creation classOpposite of the Bard of SpaceActive--------------------------------------------------
--Serve time
The Maid of Time serves time. By maintaining it they are given access to their doomed offshoots. Doomed timelines would be able to support and bolster the Alpha timeline.
At lower levels they would be able to dodge inevitability to continue progress. By renewing themself they can buy more time. They effectively shift their Alpha path to another one with no ill consequences. They just better have a plan for what to do next. Too many renewals could start creating doomed timelines.At medium levels they would be able to seek out fractures in the timeline and go fix them. They could pull on a few doomed clones to assist them in the repair. Time clones would fade in and would have a certain deadline before fate comes back for them. They can be fodder for defense or to keep an object or person safe. They are basically an incredibly dependable, fairly renewable suicide squad.At higher levels the Maid of Time could create a whole army of time clones. Every doomed offshoot could travel to a critical moment, ensuring the security of the Alpha timeline.--Overtime
Maid of Time creates time. By layering on extra time they can make relevant time last longer. As a result, things would slow down. They can drag out moment by layering new ones over it. The deadline can be pushed back as long as the Maid has energy.
At lower levels the Maid could make time last longer than it should. They can preserve a window of time. Basically they can extend a perfect moment so it will last longer.At medium levels they can make an infinity sanctum. An area where time is no object. There’s basically all the time in the world as long as you stay within the bubble. The Maid and teamAs they progress further they could expand and gain greater control over their time bubble. They could learn to expand it outward or to target a single individual.At higher levels the Maid could properly focus their creation, making a second last for hours. Even the fastest of things would effectively be frozen in time.A fully realized Maid of Time could even make jujus freeze in their timelines, trapping them in the present and not their own time loop.Skills
Advent- you are always right on time
Clock ticks on- you are incredibly resilient and hard to stopPreemptive measures- you can always prevent the worst outcome

Slyph of Breath!

Sylph- Invites healing, creation, and (re)generation of/with/through {aspect}Breath- Breath is one of the leadership classes, and is about freedom, inspiration, and adaptability. Breath players can first be described as friendly, and inspirational after. They make great leaders because it’s hard not to like them. People want to follow them, since heroes of Breath make them feel like more than they are.Creation classOpposite of the Prince of BloodPassive--------------------------------------------------
--Fresh Air
The Sylph of Breath repairs freedom and change when it has been lost. The Sylph can use the air or their breath to heal freedom and change, inspiring movement.
A lower level Sylph could project sweeping winds from their exhale. Their words would swim around others, moving them away from stagnation. Breathing in the air that the Sylph exhales would cause one’s heart to relight and crave freedom and change.At medium levels they could create bubbles. These can be used for transportation, containing and moving enemies and objects, and generally for causing disruption. The bursting if these bubbles creates an invigorating pulse wave.A higher level Sylph could bring the winds of change after long periods of dormancy. Bonds and barriers would be broken by the Sylph’s steady breath and allies would be unrestrained. They could literally blow down doors and sandblast at chains and obstructions.--Soothing wind
The Sylph of Breath could simply breath to heal allies. Through use of their voice their words would have a soft, calming air to them.
A lower level Sylph could charm an aura around them. Their cool breath would bring a gentle breeze to heal the soul, lifting people’s spirits.At medium levels their voice and breath would sooth and wind down. They would be like a gentle song instilling wanderlust and can cause things and people to slowly, but surely move off course.As the progress their breath could heal physical wounds and not just moral ones. Their calming tone and warm breeze would gently pass over wounds, cleaning them out and healing them quickly.A higher level Sylph of Breath could revive near dead bodies by breathing life into them.Skills
Ventilation- allies stamina recovers 50% faster when you are near
Trend recover- the path you fix is the path of least resistancePurifier- you can breath toxic or poisonous air and purify it when exhaling

Witch of Life!

Witch- Controls, manipulates, and changes with/through {aspect}Life- Life is preservation. It's the force that separates the organic from the inorganic, and, at a more abstract level, the raw ability to act, to influence reality. It is the Heroes of Life that understand and sustain this force in themselves and others, often manifesting their Aspect as healing powers.Manipulation classOpposite of the Seer of DoomActive--------------------------------------------------
The Witch of Life excels in manipulating raw life force, shaping, sculpting, and cultivating it as they please. Living things, by their nature, are adaptable. They grow, develop, and change over their lives and in response to their surroundings. No natural force is greater than the Witch.
At lower levels the Witch of Life would have fantastic control over simple life, such as plants, insects, or even germs. Advanced horticulture with dangerous plants, incredible beekeeping skills, a genuine knack with animals, etc etc etc. Their command over their chosen field or fields would be extraordinary, but usually below what could be supernatural (though it would certainly border).Whatever life under their charge would often be unique and particularly well trained if not particularly intelligent. This may come in the form of familiars or minions. A swarm of bees the Witch telepathically controls, a pack of loyal hunting dogs, etcAs the Witch of Life progresses, the scale of what they could control would gradually increase. Small creatures such as insects or domestic pets would be easy, but slowly and surely larger creatures. Cows, horses, rhinos, etc. From small potted plants to entire full grown trees or entire fields of flowers and wheat.At medium levels this control would become more refined, able to not only handle complex sapient life (such as players, dersites, and prospitians) but begin to move past what can be considered normally physically possible. The Witch of Life could literally sculpt plant matter, flesh, and bone as easy as one might sculpt clay.This can be used to heal themselves and allies or enhance their physical abilities. This can even be used as a weapon, to force the bones of their enemies to retaliate and stab through their body, to cause muscles to lock in place, to slow or even stop a creature's breathing or pulse. To say nothing, of course, of weaponized plant life: thorns, vine whips, strangling roots, etc.At higher levels the span of which the Witch could control would drastically increase. While they would have been fairly limited to only a few creatures at a time and distance would greatly matter, the Witch has since bloomed beyond those boundaries. Entire ecosystems could fall under their sway, a planet's worth of underlings for them to control as their own game pieces.--Cultivate
The Witch of Life controls and shapes opportunity and growth, the way things may develop and progress. Success hinges on key factors: circumstances and opportunity, timing, competition for resources. Evolution itself is an arms race and the Witch of Life holds their hand on the lever.
At lower levels the Witch of Life would be brilliantly adaptive, holding claim to power, an unrealized seed of potential. Perhaps the heir to a galactic empire, the owner of a profitable business, or simply a particularly diligent farmer. They would have resources at their disposal unlike many others and be adept at using them, be it currency, food, industrial resources like electricity, etc.As the Witch of Life develops they would begin to expand their resources outwards, helping their enterprise to grow, change, and evolve at breakneck speeds as they see their initial resources bloom and multiply both quality and quantity as they adapt to the fresh new challenges and potential assets Sburb has to offer. While all players of Sburb are stuck with inane game mechanics, the Witch of Life is playing a glorified resource management game, somewhere between Civilization and heavily modded Minecraft. While other players may fear the unknown or deal with scarcity, the Witch of Life is creating industries and leveraging economies of scale.At medium levels this would evolve into the ability to literally bend resources to their whims. Natural resources such as dirt and water could be altered and arranged as they pleased, allowing them to micro-terraform small pieces of biomes. The land itself is quite literally theirs to alter as they see fit. As their control deepens they could process the complex networks needed for more complex materials, such as the production of glass or even metal refining.As they ascend further, the Witch of Life's ability to process natural materials would expand into Sburb's own internal resources, like grist and alchemization, allowing the Witch to go beyond natural materials and processes and begin shaping objects and materials on a more fundamental level. Of course they could always attempt this earlier, but the results would likely be either devastatingly dangerous or hopelessly stupid.In later portions of the game the Witch of Life would be something of a juggernaut, an unstoppable force. Their roots would imbed deep into the core foundation of everything they touch, becoming an empire of bountiful resources. This could be either a great and bountiful tree or an all consuming parasite. Business conglomerates, nations, and religions of various consorts across the session, the moons of Prospit and Derse, and even Skaia itself could be swayed or outright subsumed by the Witch of Life. All in the service of the Witch of Life's endless enterprise.--Life everlasting
Closer to the end-game the Witch of Life is capable of a grand display of power, of renewed energy and redefined progress. In the paradox space of Sburb, life is both cheap and plentiful. The Witch of Life, able to command this precious resource, is able to preserve it despite all odds. This can come in any number of forms, its variation depending highly on the Witch of Life in question.
To some, this might manifest as striking a deal with the Horrorterrors to, say, create a series of stable dream bubbles where the ghosts of dead timelines may congregate.To others it may take the form of a sacred garden or grove where life can be rebuilt and remade, akin to the X-Men of Krakoa and their Reanimation Protocols. This might require a piece of organic matter from the creature to be resurrected.Whatever the form, the Witch of Life has grown past the binary notion of living and dead and can cultivate life where it would previously have been impossible. Second chances are hard to come by and very few can ever go back, but with the Witch of Life, nearly anything can be salvaged, restored, and allowed to begin anew.Skills
Apex- You are considered the pinnacle of your species, in physical abilities such strength, speed, durability, etc.
Influencer- You hold immense sway on matters of beauty, wealth, and status.

Heir of Hope!

Heir- Invites change, control, and manipulations of/in/with/through {aspect}Hope- Undying Faith and Belief that everything around you is perfect and is going to be okay, one way or another. Everything will turn out just fine, if not perfectly wonderful in the end. Hope is Unconditional Love and Trust, it is warm open accepting arms to anything or any person. It is the underlying thought that what is here is right and true. It is the thought that where there’s a will there’s a way! No matter how dark, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! It’s the truth! It must be! Hope is always perfectly agreeable and optimistic that nothing will go wrong, so their answer is always a big enthusiastic YES! But don’t think of Hope as just a calm and peaceful encouraging nudging force, Hope is also like the Angel that grabs you on the run, flying you forward at breakneck speed to your rewards and eternal happiness. It is the Drive, the Unstoppable Force of Will that pushes you forward against all odds.classOpposite of the Mage of RageManipulatePassive
--Chosen One
At lower levels, the Heir is quite adept, maybe even a prodigy. While outwardly they may not seem like much, their determination and strong grasp over the fundamentals to their interests and passions would show an incredible aptitude if focused and applied in the right measure. They have the stuff, they just need polish. They are a couple of training sequences and montages away from catching their big break. The amount of raw talent but lacking in skill or a proper learning environment is pretty much the basis for most protagonists. Percy Jackson, Naruto, etc etc etc. And with their abilities, it’s only a matter of time before they get attention from a wise and experienced mentor.
As they develop the Heir of Hope could call upon a mystical energy or force, a wellspring of great power that lies within them. Chakra from Naruto, The Force from Star Wars, Ki from Dragon Ball Z, and so on. Not only can they tap into this massive wellspring of power to bolster their talents and abilities, but their connection with it is incredibly strong, fueled by their own faith and the faith of others around them. This cosmic force of energy gives a certain ‘determination’ quality. When ragtag things are held together by hope, by the desperate prayers of those who need them to work, they can hold on. In the same way, the Heir can risk it all and put it all on the line and push ahead with incredible power, maintained by the belief and need for them, whether for themselves or others. The prodigy-like talents become incredible as they do near impossible feats. Luke shooting through the death star exhaust port or Goku’s spirit bomb, for example.By medium levels they have gained a level of control over their vast mystical energy. While it has bolstered their natural abilities to a magical level of capability, they have learned to mantle it and channel it from large, indiscriminate area effects to more controlled and precise abilities. It was a massive amount of energy they tapped into, but now it is truly theirs. Heightened strength, speed, and durability would quickly evolve into learning actual techniques as they channel this energy source outwards, compressing and magnifying it. A massive laser with an extra push could become a short and highly focused beam, or a wave of outwards force can act as a shield aura, constantly humming as a stationary energy wave, protecting themselves and everyone around them.As the Heir reaches into higher levels, their overwhelming nature would become truly manifested. They have mastered the ocean of energy at their back and use it to push forward with incredible stride. They are boundless, able to push themselves and their powers far beyond the breaking point. This is the point in the story where they go Super Saiyan or Plus Ultra. In a singular moment, they exceed everything beyond your wildest imagination and push forward. They are unstoppable in that moment.--Destiny
The Heir of Hope is divinely ordained, guided by faith and belief, both for themselves, the people around them, and the actual manifestation of those dreams. Whether it is a god, an ideal, or simply something they believe and have faith in, they guide and aid the path of the Heir. They’re the protagonist and they have plot armor.
At lower levels, miracles can occur, but these would be a lot closer to helpful coincidences. Being at the right place at the right time, matching vague descriptions or having somewhat similar abilities to a myriad of legendary heroes, and a generally ‘cinematic’ existence. Only really failing when the plot calls for it or lead to a trainng montage, being a natural at certain abilities (usually through hardwork and dedication or just dumb luck) and having an all around knack for inspiring others. There’s also a good chance of people overhyping them up to make them do better, make allies trust in them, and discourage enemies, but these ‘prophecies’/‘legends’/or other ideals might be totally incorrect and even an actual detriment, regardless if they are true or not. People probably think they are just the person they’re looking for with that special spark to set things right.As they progress further they would start to gain artifacts, items, and passive abilities with their destiny. They’re the long lost heir, the secret pureblood, etc etc etc. They might become resistant to certain forms of damage, have access to vast resources of money and materials that only they can use, and other boons that come with being #Blessed.At medium levels, reality would align in meaningful ways. Fortune would favor them, the gods would smile upon them, fate has a plan. Miraculous occurrences would pave through the world for the Heir and their allies. As they hold strong virtues and goals, reality would clear up to make way and push them forward. If they need to escape from prison, key enemies might have a miraculous change of heart or a convenient and flashy distraction. If they are determined to get revenge on a sworn enemy, lower level monsters would steer clear as the Heir surges with a golden aura and wings. Freak accidents, sudden parting of storms, and other divine acts of providence would guard their path.As they progress further they would go from simply being protected by their faith and goals, to being able to manipulate them. By learning to focus and hone in on specific objectives, wishes, and desires, they are able to hold a stronger influence and can steer their own path. Whereas they once were at the mercy and whims of their dreams, their dreams can grow to be anything they choose. Reality is what they want from it. They are no longer realities plaything and the puppet for wishes, like a genie set free. The Heir of Hope could quite literally grant a number of wishes, but it would take a good deal out of them, but if they want something, they get it. Spontaneous conjuration, teleportation, illusions and enchantment, etc. Reality is an art piece and their dreams are the paint. That being said, dreams are not always clear and improper, messy dreams could have terrible consequences and even what you want might be the wrong thing.At higher levels, the Heir of Hope has become something entirely new. They are the central pillar, the point that things revolve around. They’re special. Their presence alone could turn the tide of a battle and their name or visage would hold serious weight, a living legend. They don’t have the title of legend or divine or sublime they are it. Consorts and carapacians might form churches and paladin orders under them and draw power from them. The Heir’s very nature is a source of glorious power and might, a beacon in the dark to draw strength from. The Heir of Hope would usher in a new age, a glorious dawn rising, complete with an army of angels and all. But, as always, be careful what you wish for. And when you are that shooting star, be careful what others might wish for you too… it might be a bit of a two way street if you don’t guide things properly.Skills
Icon- allies that can see or hear you have resistance against insanity, illusions, and fear effects.
Blessed- you heal 8 times faster when you have something to believe in.Resolve- your stamina and durability are doubled as long as you believe in your current mission.

Mage of Doom!

Mage- Understands with/through {aspect}Doom- Doom can be a negative force that rejects and harms, fostering a sense of hostility or sadness. But, it is also the idea that you can pull backwards and cautiously and wisely withdraw into your own self. It can be the idea of Control taken from the sharp Black and White Restrictions that everything in the world gets sorted into. It understands community necessity and need, responsibly pulling back and lowering you down into its lap to help wind yourself down. Doom then is an ultimate gentle Equalizer, instilling its players with an internal sense of Acceptance and eventually true WisdomUnderstanding classOpposite of the Heir of LifeActive--------------------------------------------------
--Doom counter
Everything is doomed. Everything. The Mage is aware of everything’s doom and can thus asses or inflict it. In Sburb there is the Doom counter. It ranges from 0 to 12,000 with each number being a very specific fate. The number changes depending on past actions, potential, and circumstances. Numbers over 100 will result in death. By understanding this system, the Mage of Doom can hack folly, certainty, and doom itself.
At lower levels they would know most intervals of 5 and the lower numbers divisible by two. They could see basic ideas of what doom was in store and get the general idea of what comes next.At medium levels they would have learned what most numbers correlate to. Through the use of coding and mathematics They could flip the switch on the Doom counter, making their fate, no matter how distant, suddenly come. You don’t have to do what would hurt them, you can just trigger the effect. They can trigger any of the possible maladies Doom has to offer. As they progress further, they could break the numbers down further, using decimals to get even more specific.At higher levels they they could learn to treat Doom. Their skill and experience would allow them to instinctively know how long until doom sets in and how to rewire it before it comes. For an example, someone has a concussion. Judging by how the numbers are changing, they can tell they have 6 minutes and 12 seconds until they will have a seizure. They press around the skull with each tap creating a small green light. It’s almost like typing on a computer, pressing key pieces with Doom magic to counteract what is soon to come. The Mage of Doom is a first class responder who can make sure that the worst doesn’t happen.--System override
The Mage of Doom understands structure, order, and fate. Sburb is and all of reality is just a highly sophisticated game based around those two ideas.
By understanding these, the Mage can basically hack the universe. At lower levels they would be a master of any system like ~ATH. They could bend the order of fate and doom, creating curses. They could plan and coordinate the downfall, folly, and doom of just about anything. If they are not careful, they might accidentally become cogs to the machinations of doom.At medium levels you could hack pretty much any system, If they get good enough they could hack into things that are technically impossible too, like a typewriter. As long as it’s a complex inorganic system, they can get in and alter it fundamentally. They could operate things as if they were remote controlled, easily controlling any machine as if it was a drone. Computers, typewriters, steam engines, trains, ceiling fans, etc. It doesn’t have to be electronic, it could be any mechanical system as well.At higher levels the Mage of Doom can rewire Doom, effectively moving, stopping, and guiding it by conjuring up more in very particular ways. Fate and doom are very structured in Sburb and so to cancel it out you must balance it. You need to override the system. The Mage, since they are incredibly resilient, can sacrifice their life energy to counteract doom. Their resilience and threshold allows them to deal with much higher levels of Doom than anyone else. They can cheat the system by becoming the focus of it. They will come out fine sacrificing a significant portion of stamina or energy, but bending and warping fate to their command. If they aren’t careful and generally low on health, they could die.Basically, if they work hard enough and pour enough energy into rewiring doom they can convert doom and curses into something more useful. It’s kind of like creating a force strong enough to counter what’s to come, allowing them to basically do the impossible.**Skills **
Fate fakeout- you have 2 respawns
Death sense- you hear the voices of the soon to dieBurden- you can physically feel the weight of fate

Witch of Mind!

Witch- Controls, manipulates, and changes with/through {aspect}Mind- Mind is Rational, since it is driven by pure Thought. Mind is Impersonal, It’s Apathetic and it’s Indifferent in all things. It’s Hiding who you are, being totally Unbiased in order to Blend in. Mind may not always stand strongly behind all of its decisions, humming and hawwing and changing its Mind, but they are always able to justify their end decisions. Mind will always give equal weight to every possible choice or possibility, but will not give any special favor to any single outcome, whether ‘morally right or wrong’ or not.Manipulation classOpposite of the Seer of HeartActive--------------------------------------------------
--Perception wrend
The Witch of Mind actively manipulates perception. They can twist and bend a person’s point of view to something completely different.
At lower levels the Witch could move the mind in a certain pattern, bringing them to the Witch’s side. Targets could be shaken from the Witch’s spell through strong will, strong logical skills, totems/anchors, or through other people jogging their memory.At medium levels they could create deeper and deeper illusions. They can trap someone inside of their own mind, leaving them in an unresponsive state.As they progress they could link entranced people, creating a network of consciousness. Almost like a shared dreamworld of hallucinations.A fully realized Witch of Mind would have powerful mental control. They could warp time and space for their target. Illusions would become reality.--Illusion inducement
A Witch of Mind can alter and sculpt the mind. They can push people further and deeper into their own mind.
At lower levels this ability would be like a hypnotic suggestion to entrap a person. Talking someone in circles, minor signals to effect how a person reacts, and so on.At medium levels they could begin controlling people like puppets, creating hyper specific illusions to get people to act in specific ways. Think they are helping out a friend as they open the gates, think they were told to stand guard at a different door, etc.At higher levels the Witch could create puppets, trapped in a realistic fantasy and thinking they are doing the right thing, all the while acting out of free will to do whatever the Witch commands.--Hive mind
Closer to the end of the game the Witch of Mind will change Mind in a massive way. Near end game the Witch can unlock all minds, meshing anything they want into a singular consciousness. Hundreds and thousands of peripherals can be linked. Anyone linked to the hive mind could see and sense what every other person sees and senses.
This can get incredibly unstable if the Witch can’t stop the Hivemind from growing. If it grows too rapidly it could be out of their control, spiraling all participants into a twisted mental state due to sensory overload.A fully realized Witch of Mind could condense the Hivemind into a new consciousness. Hundreds of experiences would form into one, solid mind.Skills
Silver tongue- your persuasion and barter attempts almost always work
Output- you can mimic any sound and change what people hear

Seer of Light!

Seer- Invites understanding of/with/through {aspect}, guiding othersLight- This makes it so Light can be cold and calculating at times, only concerned with points of data and how they combine like points on a theory chart. But also uniquely perceptive in their ability to find similar symbols and meanings in the patterns they observe in their chosen data set. Driven by Data and Information, they can be obsessed or otherwise greatly involved with an idea of a finite reality, but not being overly concerned with the set rules or laws in place for how those things should work, so they tend to be able to “work the system” so to speak extremely efficiently, allowing for the existence or discovery of said loop holes, or the use of things like probability and luck to work in their favor.Understanding ClassOpposite of the Witch of VoidPassive--------------------------------------------------
The Seer of Light has deep knowledge of fortune and can use that to their advantage. By utilizing their vast knowledge they can analyze the outcome to any luck or chance based scenario, thus giving them a leg up.
At lower levels they could see brief glimpses of outcomes and can crunch the numbers for what is most likely to happen. At lower levels the Seer would be able to influence percentages only slightly.At medium levels the Seer can use their knowledge alter odds and chances into something more favorable. By knowing the exact odds of an outcome the Seer can figure out how to increase or decrease the odds. They could set up the situation so that their favored outcome becomes the most likely outcome.A higher level Seer would have more experience with chance and could analyze odds much faster. They’ll be able to instantly think out the most likely scenarios and formulate a plan for each outcome, no matter how outlandish. Nearly any factor could be accounted for allowing the Seer to not only be assured in the outcome, but also have a backup plan for any other way things might pan out.--Limited Omniscience
The Seer of Light has incredibly vast knowledge on information and even knowledge itself. They are nothing short of a scholar and can tap into an endless pool of knowledge through any number of means (an infinite web browser, meditating, visions, whisperings of the universe in their ear, etc).
At lower levels they could tap into a specific category and could only retain information on that subject.At medium levels they could branch off into a few subjects, 4 or so, and would gain certain magic spells related to the inner mechanisms of the subject. By learning all about metal crafting they could magically break the weakest point in an armor.At higher levels the Seer of Light could tap into a massive directory of knowledge and know about 6 subjects at a time.--Third eye
Seer's gain their knowledge and power from experience. The Seer of Light can use their powers to boost their experience and gain knowledge. The Seer can create eye imagery. That which passes through or in front of the eye sigil would be instantly known by the Seer.
A lower level Seer could call 1-3 eyes and place them in certain locations close to themselves.At medium levels they could summon up more and more eyes to watch over and study more things at a time. They could also learn to increase the size of the sigils.A higher level Seer of Light could summon dozens of eyes to survey massive areas. The Seer could also teleport these eyes around.Skills
Wide eye- you can see in the dark and through obstructions (walls, doors, etc)
Flash learn- you have photographic memory and don’t need to read (merely looking makes you absorb the information)

Thief of Space!

Thief- redistribution with/through {aspect} for owns benefitSpace- The Space aspect deals with physical locations, size, shape, and velocity. The Space player is also the one tasked with creating the Genesis Frog in their session. It is a canon fact that every successful game has a Space player. Also, the hero of Space’s player planet will contain the Forge, which is necessary to perform the Ultimate Alchemy and to create the Genesis Frog.Stealer classOpposite of the Page of TimeActive--------------------------------------------------
--Size steal
A Thief of Space steals size and spatial properties. They can reduce the weight, mass, and size of things while giving it to themselves.
At lower levels they would be able to take the general physical properties of an object or person. They can make themselves or their tools heavier or more dense as they need. They’d be pretty hard to knock over or move unless they want to, stealing all force against them to make themselves sturdier.As they progress they could increase in power and speed, able to shift sizes near instantly. They could increase the size of their ammunition, making their bullets turn into cannonballs while enemies shrink. Mass and weight can change on a dime, allowing them to mess up their targets footing and balance, or even quick enough to make projectiles lose weight and mass as they lurch forward.At medium levels they could shrink things they are stealing, taking even the largest prize and making it small enough to get away with.As they progress further they could learn to modify their size, growing as large as they want by making everything smaller.A fully realized Thief could steal height from the Black King, making themselves larger, and fighting the Black King 1 on 1 in a boxing match.--Gravity rush
A Thief of Space takes force. Gravity, magnetism, if it flows through space and moves, it’s their
At lower levels the Thief would have heightened agility, able to capitalize on the momentum of things around them. Once they get moving they’ll be near impossible to stop, weave around even the biggest and fastest things with balance and grace, especially if they can push off of walls or people.As they progress forward they wouldn’t need to just take away the forces acting on people or objects and individual targets, but would begin to affect larger and larger areas.At medium levels they would excel at taking forces and momentum, causing their surroundings to stumble or halt while they springboard forward. Gravity would weigh in their favor, as everything becomes off balance and they accelerate and move with incredible speed and precision.As they progress further the Thief would be able to take gravity itself, unbinding the world while hypershifting themselves in any direction they please. They would fall at maximum velocity in any direction they chose as anything not bolted down lurches in the direction the Thief is naturally moving.At higher levels, the Thief can push things even further, siphoning off of more ambient energy to not only shift gravity in their direction, but increase it’s pull to breakneck speeds. They could dive through a sideways city even faster than one could normally fall at maximum velocity.--Positive charge
The Thief steals with space and distance. They can twist and bend the fabric of space, drawing in whatever they desire with ease.
At lower levels they’d have a way of getting what they want, no matter how distant. Their reach would be crazy, almost like things were just magnetically called to them.At medium levels they would be able to call things towards them, dragging things as if they had the Force. The newer and shiner, the greater the pull.As they progress they would learn to warp space, being able to teleport things to them over a distance. They could pluck things right out of spacetime. They would have a way of just suddenly having things in an instant.At higher levels entire moons or even planets become playthings, marbles to rip through space at their leisure. What they want, they get. No matter the size, scale, and scope, they will take it.Skills
Opposites attract- your personal gravity shifts you towards your target, increasing your speed and momentum to any direction you move towards (as if you were magnetically attracted to it)
Equivalent exchange- you can convert any element to a different element if you have the mass necessary to make the conversion

Sylph of Life!

Sylph- Invites healing, creation, and (re)generation of/with/through {aspect}Life- Life is preservation. It's the force that separates the organic from the inorganic, and, at a more abstract level, the raw ability to act, to influence reality. It is the Heroes of Life that understand and sustain this force in themselves and others, often manifesting their Aspect as healing powers.
Creation class
Opposite of the Prince of DoomPassive--------------------------------------------------
A Sylph of Life is able to heal life and life’s opportunity. By doing that they would be able to reinvigorate plant and animal life, giving them a second chance.
At lower levels they could heal small ailments like colds and close up non-serious wounds. They could make people less tired and more active.At medium levels they could speed up the regeneration of healthy cells, healing broken bones and saving dying plants. They could intertwine plants with the area and the plants will magically mend the broken areas.As they progress they might learn to weaponize this, making deadly spores blossom or speed up diseases and cancers. They could sprout poisonous plants with ease. They could also generate thick, thorny vines for utility, like a grappling hook or stitchin, or combat purposes like a whip.At higher levels the Sylph could generate healing spores and enchanted plants, making an enchanted garden where Life blossoms. Things in the area would heal quickly, recover stamina rapidly, and all life would feel invigorated.--Ambrosia
The Sylph of Life heals life through luxury. Ambrosia is the legendary food of the gods, granting the gods good health and immortality.
At lower levels the Sylph could add their magic into alchemization to creating healing items. They could also simply make it through standard means, like baking or brewing.At first there might be some trouble with creating ambrosia and potions. The Sylph might not be able to find the materials needed or figure out how to cook it properly, diminishing its effects.As they progress they would be able to craft healing items for less and could make them with more variety. Instant healing, regenerative healing, cures for poison, buffs, healing stamina, etc.
Alternatively they could conjure up vials of infectious diseases and debilitating viruses. They could make spore and pollen grenades to create smoke bombs and tear gas. They could make it so that only enemies could be poisioned and only allies healed.
At medium levels they could learn to grow ambrosia and could do it anywhere or anytime, just by meditating. They could create magic plants to rapidly produce anything they need.At higher levels the Sylph of Life would be connected to their source of ambrosia, able to summon it up. This plant would be extremely resilient and nearly un-killable. Those connected to it would heal at amazing rates as they are constantly supplied with ambrosia. The source could also mass send shipments of ambrosia through the earth, making plants appear next to people and deliver a batch of ambrosia.Skills
Fast healer- you heal 5 times faster than normal people
Alleviate- allies heal and recover stamina 15% faster when you are aroundIchor- your blood has incredible rejuvenating properties

Sylph of Light!

Sylph- Invites healing, creation, and (re)generation of/with/through {aspect}Light- This makes it so Light can be cold and calculating at times, only concerned with points of data and how they combine like points on a theory chart. But also uniquely perceptive in their ability to find similar symbols and meanings in the patterns they observe in their chosen data set. Driven by Data and Information, they can be obsessed or otherwise greatly involved with an idea of a finite reality, but not being overly concerned with the set rules or laws in place for how those things should work, so they tend to be able to “work the system” so to speak extremely efficiently, allowing for the existence or discovery of said loop holes, or the use of things like probability and luck to work in their favor.
Opposite of the Prince of VoidPassive--------------------------------------------------
--Light up
The Sylph of Light becomes a living tool of Light. Their inner light can be utilized by for many purposes.
At lower levels the Sylph could only conjure light displays. They’re the classpect equivalent to laser pointers and strobe lights.As they progress they could learn to make weak laser bolts, only stunning or causing mild burns. They could make small holes through things if they concentrate hard enough.At medium levels they could form a manipulatable ray of light. It could be bent and folded to make a superheated beam, burning tendrils, or other simple shapes.As they progresses further they’d basically be a satellite information distributor. Sending info to people’s minds or computers over large distances.At higher levels they would be able to shoot massive lasers, like a kamehameha.--Information hub
The Sylph of Light is a source of knowledge and information. They exude an aura of enlightenment.
At lower levels they would spark up learning, helping others realize things. This is probably from them being stupid and making others realize the correct answer.As they progress they would develop amazing epiphanies, giving them incredible clarity.At medium levels they could touch a person’s head and transmit vast amounts of information directly into their mind.At higher levels they would be a living university, creating geniuses through their presence alone. This could be weaponized by overloading enemies, their eyes and mouth emitting vast amounts of light as they are forced to understand things they never could.Skills
Nightlight- you glow in the dark
Good luck charm- allies are 4 times more lucky when you are aroundEpiphany- sometimes you just realize things

Muse of Mind!

Muse- Embodies {aspect} through domination; dominates with/through {aspect}Mind- Mind is Rational, since it is driven by pure Thought. Mind is Impersonal, It’s Apathetic and it’s Indifferent in all things. It’s Hiding who you are, being totally Unbiased in order to Blend in. Mind may not always stand strongly behind all of its decisions, humming and hawwing and changing its Mind, but they are always able to justify their end decisions. Mind will always give equal weight to every possible choice or possibility, but will not give any special favor to any single outcome, whether ‘morally right or wrong’ or not.Opposite of the Lord of HeartPassive--------------------------------------------------
Embody Mind by being patient and driven, as well as representing all that Mind represents and is represented by
guide Mind and through Mind, possibly being able to influence others’ actions over a timeline, effectively being able to have control over it through their expertise in Mind.
Become Mind by virtue of their Heir abilities, possibly “becoming” the timeline, or, as a different alternative, become hourglass sand in order to evade attacks or protect themselves.Unravel Mind through their Bard abilities, passively destroying patience, repetition, and endings.Reallocate Mind through their Rogue abilities, being able to take Mind away from where there is too much, and redistribute it accordingly.Equip others with Mind through their Page abilities, being able to give as much Mind as they can to others.Heal Mind and through Mind with their Sylph abilities, being able to mend paradoxes in the timeline, as well as using Mind to heal.See Mind and see through Mind with their Seer abilities, possibly being able to see into the future, as well as provide themselves and others with the information they receive.One unique way they could apply their abilities is through becoming a sort of inspirational figure, inspiring others to make music, be patient, or to take on other traits of Mind

Sylph of Breath!

Sylph- Invites healing, creation, and (re)generation of/with/through {aspect}Breath- Breath is one of the leadership classes, and is about freedom, inspiration, and adaptability. Breath players can first be described as friendly, and inspirational after. They make great leaders because it’s hard not to like them. People want to follow them, since heroes of Breath make them feel like more than they are.Creation classOpposite of the Prince of BloodPassive--------------------------------------------------
--Fresh Air
The Sylph of Breath repairs freedom and change when it has been lost. The Sylph can use the air or their breath to heal freedom and change, inspiring movement.
A lower level Sylph could project sweeping winds from their exhale. Their words would swim around others, moving them away from stagnation. Breathing in the air that the Sylph exhales would cause one’s heart to relight and crave freedom and change.At medium levels they could create bubbles. These can be used for transportation, containing and moving enemies and objects, and generally for causing disruption. The bursting if these bubbles creates an invigorating pulse wave.A higher level Sylph could bring the winds of change after long periods of dormancy. Bonds and barriers would be broken by the Sylph’s steady breath and allies would be unrestrained. They could literally blow down doors and sandblast at chains and obstructions.--Soothing wind
The Sylph of Breath could simply breath to heal allies. Through use of their voice their words would have a soft, calming air to them.
A lower level Sylph could charm an aura around them. Their cool breath would bring a gentle breeze to heal the soul, lifting people’s spirits.At medium levels their voice and breath would sooth and wind down. They would be like a gentle song instilling wanderlust and can cause things and people to slowly, but surely move off course.As the progress their breath could heal physical wounds and not just moral ones. Their calming tone and warm breeze would gently pass over wounds, cleaning them out and healing them quickly.A higher level Sylph of Breath could revive near dead bodies by breathing life into them.Skills
Ventilation- allies stamina recovers 50% faster when you are near
Trend recover- the path you fix is the path of least resistancePurifier- you can breath toxic or poisonous air and purify it when exhaling

Muse of Space!

Muse- Embodies {aspect} through domination; dominates with/through {aspect}Space- The Space aspect deals with physical locations, size, shape, and velocity. The Space player is also the one tasked with creating the Genesis Frog in their session. It is a canon fact that every successful game has a Space player. Also, the hero of Space’s player planet will contain the Forge, which is necessary to perform the Ultimate Alchemy and to create the Genesis Frog.Embodiment classOpposite of the Lord of TimePassive
Embody Space by being patient and driven, as well as representing all that Space represents and is represented by
guide Space and through Space, possibly being able to influence others’ actions over a timeline, effectively being able to have control over it through their expertise in Space.
Become Space by virtue of their Heir abilities, possibly “becoming” the timeline, or, as a different alternative, become hourglass sand in order to evade attacks or protect themselves.Unravel Space through their Bard abilities, passively destroying patience, repetition, and endings.Reallocate Space through their Rogue abilities, being able to take Space away from where there is too much, and redistribute it accordingly.Equip others with Space through their Page abilities, being able to give as much Space as they can to others.Heal Space and through Space with their Sylph abilities, being able to mend paradoxes in the timeline, as well as using Space to heal.See Space and see through Space with their Seer abilities, possibly being able to see into the future, as well as provide themselves and others with the information they receive.One unique way they could apply their abilities is through becoming a sort of inspirational figure, inspiring others to make music, be patient, or to take on other traits of Space

Heir of Doom!

Heir- Invites change, control, and manipulations of/in/with/through {aspect}Doom- Doom can be a negative force that rejects and harms, fostering a sense of hostility or sadness. But, it is also the idea that you can pull backwards and cautiously and wisely withdraw into your own self. It can be the idea of Control taken from the sharp Black and White Restrictions that everything in the world gets sorted into. It understands community necessity and need, responsibly pulling back and lowering you down into its lap to help wind yourself down. Doom then is an ultimate gentle Equalizer, instilling its players with an internal sense of Acceptance and eventually true WisdomManipulate classOpposite of the Mage of LifePassive
All matter is subjected to change, being shaped, warped, molded, and transformed by the ingrained forces of the universe. For the Heir of Space, this is their will alone, their conscious and subconscious minds shaping objects and structures around them.
At lower levels reality bends to the Heir of Space on a purely subconscious, often nondescript level. Their subtle feelings and intuition would lead to things moving into place, shuffling around to suit the Heir. Keys conveniently where they thought they left them, toast miraculously unburned after forgetting about it, always able to catch something before it falls, no matter how improbable.As the Heir develops this would evolve into low level telekinesis , allowing the Heir to intuitively draw things closer or push them away. This could have endless novel uses, from quickly retrieving items to throwing away foes. This telekinesis is limited by range, size, and weight, but as the Heir progresses further, these limitations quickly slip. This telekinesis is also subject to influence from the Heir’s subconscious. While enraged they may accidently compress and shatter objects, while enraged may cause them to ignite, etc.At medium levels the control over the material world the Heir exhibits would greatly improve. While they were once clumsily moving things around in whirlwinds and tides, they have precise control, allowing them to affect many things at once as if they were there themselves, perhaps even more artfully than if they did it with their own hands. The Heir of Space can activate dozens of complex levers and switches simultaneously, fold solid metal as if origami, and throw entire buildings, though not without great effort. Most notably, the dimensions the Heir can work with are greatly expanded, ranging from large boulders to small buildings.As their intuitive sense for gravity, height, length, density, and other factors becomes more acute, the upper limits of what they can manipulate would greatly increase, as well as the range. As long as they can clearly focus and concentrate on an area, they would not be able to see it, allowing them to easily shape their familiar surroundings and the people, places, and objects they know best, regardless of distance in the session.At the higher tiers of the game, the upper limits of the Heir’s control expands to city or even planetary proportions. The Heir is akin to a cosmic force, able to shape planets from a top down perspective. Cities, mountains, rivers. A planet is little more than a box of infinite legos to a fully realized Heir of Space. Forces like gravity and velocity exist to suit them, bending and changing with their will. Everything within a massive area would shift and turn and adjust accordingly, dividing and altering the area as if a massive complex puzzle box.--Space-shift
Heirs can call on their aspect when they need it most, shaping it with incredible force. For the Heir of Space, the fabric of reality bends to their needs, allowing them to move across and sift through the weave of the firmament to teleport themselves away from harm or towards their goal.
At lower levels the Heir would have an enhanced sense of kinesthetics, moving freely and gracefully. They could have full awareness of this, specializing in acrobatics, dance, skateboarding, and any and all forms of motion. Alternatively, the Heir may be fully unaware, awkward in their movement and being a clutz, though seen as “lucky” as everything miraculously falls in place around them.As the Heir develops, this sense of space would adapt into supernatural territory, a sort of spider-sense that allows them to intuitively react to alterations in their surroundings. Imperceptible shifts in gravity as a creature lurks, the motion of an arrow as it carves a path across space. These shifts would register to the Heir on a subconscious level, allowing them to always have the upperhand, seemingly more agile and perceptive than they truly are.At medium levels this sense of the very fabric of reality around them would allow them to slip in and out of existence, moving through space as if it was a liquid. While others may find their space limited, unable to act, the Heir is always capable of having more. When pushed against the wall the Heir of Space is able to sift through it, vibrating their atoms on a frequency to simply pass through the wall. In times of extreme distress or great need, the Heir can teleport, simply blinking out of existence itself before entering somewhere safer. This form of teleportation would be jarring to nearly all other players as the Heir literally falls out of existence, devoid of any sight or sensation to guide them, merely moving to places devoid of mass and weight that would stretch the fabric of space. This form of teleportation, at the time, can only move the Heir away, to less crowded points with less pressure being placed on the world.At higher levels, the Heir of Space would be able to more easily and thoughtfully glide across, over, and under the fabric of reality. A level of intent and fluidity they can conjure at will rather than reflexive happenstance. The Heir would act as a functional portal, their very being a gateway to other places in reality, allowing them to move and direct allies, enemies, objects, projectiles, and just about anything else they can touch to be moved instantaneously to any other point in the session.--State-shape
While the Heir of Space is more than capable of altering outside forces, it is another skill set entirely to alter one’s own body. The Heir of Space naturally using and bending the laws of physics allows them to shape their body as a sort of anomalous material, to which physical constraints do not apply. The laws of reality are really more of a suggestion than anything.
At lower levels the Heir’s own body would be fluid, able to bend and stretch into larger or smaller forms, allowing them to grow and shrink, though the state is unsustainable. They could multiply their height and weight by a factor of 10 or reduce by a similar amount for very brief amounts of time. This strain on their body can be greatly reduced by instead focusing on certain limbs rather than their entire form, such as stretching their arm to punch enemies from a great distance.At medium levels, their control over their size and weight would gradually increase, allowing them to grow to many times higher, such as a small building, or many times smaller, such as a large insect. They could even learn to move beyond stretching into their base form and have a minor ability to shapeshift by stretching, contorting, and bending themselves into whatever bizarre shape suits their fancy.At higher levels the Heir of Space can move beyond simply altering the dimensions of their body and alter their state directly, allowing them to behave and indeed become a liquid or gas. The act of partially becoming a separate type of matter would allow the Heir to fully control themselves as they always have, but fully subsuming to another state entirely would make control over their own body quite tenuous, as the laws governing physics take greater hold over them. By forming into part liquid they could move around a battlefield quickly, or by becoming partially a gas they can fly with great speed, all while absorbing blows that would be far more dangerous to a solid body.Skills
Untethered- Restrictions always loosen around you. Deadlines, personal responsibility, etc.
Traction- You can walk on walls and invisible surfaces in the air.

Other Art!


This carrd was made by Imagry. Please go check out my other carrd for me and my friends WIP comic series The Forest Spirit

The art at the bottom of the screen was made by AnEmoNugget



The hemospectrum is the series of twelve blood colors possessed by trolls, forming the basis of the Alternian caste system. Lusii share these blood colors, and often or always have the same blood color as their charge.


Unlike all other trolls, Karkat and Kankri Vantas' blood is the same color as that of humans, carapacians, leprechauns, and malevolent cherubs. Though not true mutants, in the sense that their nature as paradox clones means they have no "natural"-colored ancestors, their blood is referred to as mutant candy-redHS for its lack of a place in the established hemospectrum. Doc Scratch also suggestsHS that this mutation was also the source of visions the Signless experienced throughout his life.Because of the rarity of this color, Karkat's ancestor was unable to receive a sign or be selected by any lusus,and was instead raised by another troll; his lack of place in the Alternian social order made him a pariah, forcing him to wander the world alone for many sweeps, concealing the color of his blood to avoid certain execution. Though the Signless' blood color has no true place on the hemospectrum, the sign given to Karkat after his ancestor's death sits between the gold Gemini and olive Leo signs in Earth's zodiac; this duality of lime and red is reflected in the cherubs, and alluded to in the Extended Zodiac, which states that Cancer, even though it technically belongs to the Lime Sign Class [...] for mysterious reasons, transcends the Sign Class Spectrum altogether.
